VALENTINE, Neb. - Results are in for the Cherry County primary election.

Martin DeNaeyer will likely retain his seat on the Cherry County Commission. According to the unofficial election results, DeNaeyer beat the other two Republicans running for the seat, Shane Daniels and Greg Hobbs. No Democrats have filed, so DeNaeyer only faces potential write-in candidates in the general election. DeNaeyer captured 860 votes, while Daniels had 700 votes and Hobbs 356.

For the Valentine School Board, all of the candidates, except one, Tyler Eggert, will move forward to the general election where voters will elect three people. Jo Hand captured the most votes with 991, followed by Shane Kime with 972 and Michelle Kluender with 688. Byron Burdock came in fourth with 591 votes, Lynde Elliott fifth with 461 and James Ward sixth with 456. Eggert followed close behind with 406 votes.

As the only two candidates running for the District 43 legislature, both Tanya Storer and Tony Tangwall will advance to the general election. However, the number of votes may be a sign of what happens in November. Storer captured more votes than Tangwall, 1128 compared to 988.

You can find other results from the Cherry County primary election here.