Cherry County Fairgrounds to host 2025, 2026 Nebraska High School Rodeo Finals

VALENTINE, Neb. - The Cherry County Fairgrounds in Valentine is planning updates as it prepares to host the 2025 and 2026 Nebraska High School Rodeo Finals.
According to Nebraska High School Rodeo Association Secretary Jill Joseph-Austin, the event usually draws more than a thousand people.
“It’s really exciting because of the people it brings into the community,” Joseph-Austin said. "It will spur economic development and get people familiar with our nearby tourist attractions, including Smith Falls, the Niobrara River, and area world-class golf courses."
In conjunction with the rodeo, the Cherry County Agricultural Society also plans to host events downtown, such as goat roping on Main Street.
“We’ll likely close down some of the streets to hold events downtown,” Cherry County Ag Society President Andy Dawson said. “We’re going to need support from area businesses, so we’re going to try to help them too by holding activities downtown.”
In addition to events, the fairgrounds will see a facelift, including 30 more electrical hookups and a restroom with showers.
“It’s a great facility, but we plan to do some updates,” Joseph-Austin said. "Going forward then the fairgrounds will be ready to host even more events."
The Nebraska High School Rodeo Finals, typically held in June, features hundreds of contestants. Although it took place in Valentine during the 1990s, it has more recently been hosted in Hastings and Burwell.