VALENTINE, Neb. -- Many minors who drink get alcohol from their parent’s house. According to the Nebraska Risk and Protective Factor Student Survey, the number one way eighth and 10th graders in the state obtain alcohol is by taking it from home. Meanwhile, 12th graders report that they’re most likely to get it at a party.

A new video featuring Valentine’s Police Chief and an attorney aims to alert parents about their potential liability. Nebraska has dram shop laws, which hold the provider of alcohol responsible for injuries caused by underage drinking.

“Whoever provides the alcohol to the minors, and the minors consume it, whether it’s in their house or property they own, those folks are going to be held liable if bad things happen. It can even fall back on the person who owns the business and sold the alcohol,” Valentine Police Chief Dana Miller said.

The video is part of North Central District Health Department’s effort to raise awareness about substance abuse and alcohol prevention.