Nebraska DOT issues urgent alert after spike in deadly crashes

Nineteen people died in traffic crashes across Nebraska in June, according to data collected by the Nebraska Department of Transportation. This is up from 17 deaths in June 2023. So far in 2024, 120 people have died on Nebraska roads, compared to 92 during the same time period last year.
The 19 deaths happened in 18 crashes. The victims included four motorcyclists, two pedestrians, one ATV rider, and one bicyclist.
Of those who were killed inside a vehicle, only half of them were wearing seatbelts.
“The Nebraska Department of Transportation wants to bring your attention to a pressing issue that demands immediate action - the need for safe driving in Nebraska,” NDOT said in a news release. “As we approach the peak of summer travel, it is crucial to reflect on the responsibility we carry every time we get behind the wheel.”
Last week, the Nebraska State Patrol recorded a driver going 130 mph in a 65 mph work zone. Earlier in June, a motorcyclist struck and injured an NDOT employee in an active work zone.
“This incident is the third in under a year in which a road worker was severely injured or killed,” NDOT Director Vicki Kramer said in a news release.
During a two-week “Make It Click” campaign in May and June, the Nebraska State Patrol reported 955 speeding citations, including 43 for going at least 100 mph.
“These behaviors translate into dangerous and potentially deadly situations. We can and must do better as a state and individuals,” Kramer said.