Update on bridge closure/replacement near Valentine, NE

VALENTINE, Neb. - Drivers in north-central Nebraska need to be aware of an upcoming bridge closure. As long as the weather cooperates, the Nebraska Department of Transportation (NDOT) plans to begin working Sept. 3 on the Minnechaduza Creek Bridge replacement project. Crews will remove and replace the bridge on N-12 around three miles east of Valentine, Nebraska.
NDOT anticipates the project to be finished May 2025, and the bridge will be closed for the majority of the project.
During the closure, travelers will be detoured to US-83, north of Valentine, before using unpaved county roads Whitetail Road, Nolett Road, and 906th Road before returning to N-12 near mile marker seven.
General Excavating, LLC of Lincoln is the prime contractor for the project.
Drivers are reminded to be cautious in and near work zones, buckle up, and put phones down.