VALENTINE, Neb. - Two key members of the Cherry County Ag Society have resigned from their positions. President Andy Dawson, who has served the society for around 15 years and spent five of those years as president, and Josh Delaney, a board director for nearly seven years, resigned Monday night. They cited challenges with some society members and shifts in board dynamics as reasons for their decision.

“What I will miss most is providing a good facility and fair for the kids and the community. Everyone in the area looks forward to the fair here all year round,” Dawson said.

“Honestly it’s stressful having 110 sponsors and going door-to-door, but I will miss that the most,” Delaney said.

The Ag Society is not only in charge of the Cherry County Fair and Rodeo, but also other events at the Cherry County Fairgrounds, including the Demo Derby. They also oversee maintenance, scheduling and upgrades at the fairgrounds in Valentine.

“I’d hate to add up how many volunteer hours I put in at the fairgrounds, especially during the fair, but it’s been for a good cause,” Dawson said.

“I’m very proud of the four rail continuous fence outside of the fairgrounds. It’s brought in over $12,000 in profit,” Delaney said.

Despite stepping down from their society roles, Dawson and Delaney plan to remain involved in the fair by focusing on increasing youth participation in the cattle show.