Kilgore Road redesign? Commissioners consider proposal

KILGORE, Neb. - Kilgore Road, located just north of Kilgore, Nebraska, has been identified as a high-risk area for crashes, particularly along its sharp curves, according to engineer Tonya Huber of KLJ Engineering. Speaking to the Cherry County Board of Commissioners on Tuesday, Huber outlined a potential project to improve the road and reduce crashes.
Huber is collaborating with the Rosebud Sioux Tribe on a proposal to secure a federal Department of Transportation (DOT) RAISE Grant to fund improvements to BIA Highway 1, which extends from Kilgore Road into South Dakota. The Tribe is asking Cherry County for a letter of support for the grant and to consider extending the project southward into Nebraska to address Kilgore Road’s hazardous conditions.
“Over the years we’ve heard a lot about the dangerous curves on Kilgore Road. There have been a lot of crashes, and many of those are around the curves,” said Huber.
Due to the Tribe’s high poverty rate, the grant could cover 100% of the project costs. Huber noted that Cherry County could also qualify for full funding since the road serves the Tribe.
Commissioners overall seemed to be interested in the grant. However, they voiced concerns about the potential impact on nearby landowners.
“My only concern is how much straightening the roads could impact area landowners,” said Cherry County Commissioner Mike McConaughey.
Huber clarified that the initial phase of the grant would focus solely on planning and design. If the county disapproves of the proposed realignment, it would not be obligated to participate in the second phase, which involves construction.
The commissioners decided to delay action on the proposal until visiting with the county attorney. A decision is expected at their Dec. 10 meeting.