VALENTINE, Neb. - Even with Christmas just wrapped up, the City of Valentine has been preparing for a different holiday for months.

“We’ve had things as simple as a wedding chapel that people get married in on Valentine’s Day in Valentine, Nebraska,” said Valentine Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Jenny Moore.

This year Moore is looking for more contestants in a decades-long competition.

“Everybody loves to get a Valentine on Valentine’s Day,” said Moore.

The Chamber hosts a contest to find the town’s official Valentine’s Day card. People from all over the state can submit their designs.

“Entries have come in from professional artists and amateur artists. We even have students who have entered,” said Moore.

To qualify, your Valentine design must reach the Chamber by December 31. Only use black ink.

“The printer will add red accents to it. They should come in an 8x10 size. It needs to be easily reproduced,” said Moore.

Once the winning design is announced, the cards are sold in local stores and all over the world.

“They end up all over the place, and people can send them back through Valentine through Cupid’s Mailbox, and we put a special stamp on them,” said Moore.

Because even in this digital age, nothing says "Be Mine" like a handwritten Valentine.

“Anybody can send an email or text message. It’s become so commonplace. A handwritten note is something special, something you can hold onto,” said Moore.

If you would like to enter the competition or buy a Valentine, just contact the Valentine Chamber of Commerce. You can send your design to:

Valentine Chamber of Commerce

P.O. Box 201

Valentine, NE, 69212

You can buy a Valentine by calling (402) 322-5950.