O'NEILL, Neb. -- Every year, the Irish Walk of Fame in O’Neill recognizes one individual who has passed on and one individual living. Both are honored for their past and present impact on their town and surrounding communities, helping to make the annual St. Patrick’s Day celebration what it is today.

Scott Poese, owner of KBRX, was presented with a plaque to take home and one that will be displayed on the sidewalks in downtown O’Neill. We spoke with the newest inductee, Scott Poese, about what has led him on his journey through radio and serving his community.

KBRX is a family-owned business originally bought by Scott Poese’s father in 1959. Poese started working in radio when he was only 13 years old.

Quickly falling in love with the process of radio, Poese started working nights from 6 a.m. to 10 a.m. before they had automation and one would physically spin a record to play.

Now, at the age of 61 and with 48 years of radio experience under his belt, Poese is no stranger to the town of O’Neill. He is known to many as a celebrity, helping, leading, and emceeing several events.

"I don't really consider myself a celebrity. I think everybody knows me because I've been on the radio pretty much all my life," KBRX Radio owner and Irish Walk of Fame inductee Scott Poese said. “So, whether I have screwed up their name on the radio or wished their kids a happy birthday on ‘Club in the Morning,’ I enjoy visiting with the listeners wherever I'm at.”

Despite his busy schedule and heavy involvement with the community, Poese said, “My dad told everyone who worked here, ‘It's not our radio station. It's the listeners' radio station.’ So whatever they want, we're going to give it to them. If they call here for a phone number, we're going to give them a phone number. If they have a community celebration going on, we're going to help get the word out.”

“I just kind of grew up volunteering for different things in the community. I've been a member of the Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors since I was 22. So, I just enjoy being involved not only in O'Neil, but also the surrounding communities.”

When asked, what is the key to his success after 48 years? Poese said.  “My wife Darcey. We have 2 boys, and she has really kept me grounded. I was gone and on the road a lot. She really keeps things at home, and also kind of keeps me focused, and kind of reminds me, hey, we're doing this for a good cause and keep doing what you're doing. She’s a Saint.”