Low property taxes, strong sales tax revenues highlighted in Valentine audit

VALENTINE, Neb. - The City of Valentine’s high sales tax revenues and low property taxes were highlighted during the City’s audit report. On Thursday night, Michael Hoback with AMGL presented the 2023-24 audit report.
“You have by far the lowest property tax levy I’ve seen of any city your size,” said Hoback.
Valentine’s property tax levy averages 19 cents, significantly lower than the 53-cent average for similar-sized towns. The report shows property tax revenue at $165 per capita, well below the recommended $299. Meanwhile, sales tax revenue sits at $527 per capita, far exceeding the recommended $308.
“Because you have so much sales tax revenue, you’re able to keep that property tax pretty low,” said Hoback.
Overall, the report shows that the City is in strong financial shape, with its debt decreasing by $318,000, or 4.5 percent. However, one area of concern is utility rates.
“Once you get behind on those, it’s hard to keep up,” said Hoback.
Hoback said that while they prefer to see a 15 percent return on utilities, electricity rates are currently at 11 percent, down from 19 percent two years ago. In response, the City raised water and sewer rates in January to help offset the decline.