SIDNEY, Neb. — Sidney High School senior Ashlynn Weinbender is taking her rodeo talents to the college level.

“Ever since I was 2 I have been riding horses and always had a big passion for horses and barrel racing," Weinbender said. "I gained interest in rodeo when I found out that Lisa Lockhart, NFR Barrel Racing Qualifier, is related to us. I started competing in bigger rodeos when I was 13 and regular barrel jackpots when I was 10.”

Weinbender officially signed her letter of intent to compete in rodeo at Eastern Wyoming College in Torrington, Wyo., on Monday afternoon at Sidney High School. She plans to major in nursing while continuing to compete in events including barrel racing as part of the Lancers’ rodeo program.

Weinbender said the decision to join EWC came naturally after her campus visit.

“I chose Eastern Wyoming College because of the environment and the staff that I met on my visit,” she said. "Everything about rodeoing has been my biggest passion. I’ve had ups and downs through all of it and I don’t stop."

Sidney Public Schools also celebrated the signing, saying in a statement, “We are so proud of you, Ashlynn, and we wish you the best in your future endeavors.”

Eastern Wyoming College is a member of the National Intercollegiate Rodeo Association and has a strong tradition of drawing student-athletes from across the region.